I really love reading. Before enter to the University, I was spend many hours at the weeks reading.
My familiy transmit me this passion; especially my grandma, but she is worst, because she spend the most of the day reading.
I read novels since I was seven. I don't really remember which was the first novel I read, but my favourite topics always was adventures and historical novels. I don't like so much fantasy, (I'm a extreme realistic) but are a couple of series of books that I really like: the first one is Harry Potter, that every ones kows, and the second is Elenium, of David Eddings.
Elenium is a trilogy of epic fantasy; the first book is named The Diamond Throne, the second The ruby knight, and the last one The Sapphire rose, and the history takes place at the Middle Age. The fantasy is not about dragons or witches; is about fantastastic cultures. In the book are two differents people, are the elenes and the styricts. The elenes ara very simmilar to cristians, and the styricts have a lot of gods and goddes that have and influence (even controle) the life of the elenes; so, almost all elenes don't trust in styricts The main character are Lords Pandiom, they are elenes, but their teachers are styricts; so, they have I really relationship with them.
I think I like this saga, because shows two faces of the same coin: the fight between cultures, and the cooperation between cultures. Elenes and styricts sometimes are enemies, adn other times are the best friends. The story is all fantasy, but menay thing, like the realtionship between two different cultures, are real.