miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

A different work

     Last tuesday we made a different activity, we made a table with information for an hypothetical tour to London for students in the end of the year. The hypothetical trip includes a visit for the British museum, the Nature history museum, etc.
      I really like the change of routine. I also like make the posts, but a new activity makes the class more interesting.  Moreover, the search of the  information of the trip was funny and I imagine a real trip to London. I look many places that I would visited if I came to the capital of England; so, I was really interesting in the information of them. Also, the search helps us to improve our abilities to get information to tourist on the web
   I think this activity do more active the class, especially because the information that we used, was real, although the trip wasn't real. I hope more different activities to the futures classes, but not so difficult of course!!

4 comentarios:

  1. I think the same. This was a very good and fun activity. We should do this again.

  2. I also agree, it was an interesting break of the routine, was a fun activity
    Take care

  3. Glad to hear you liked the change!

  4. is too little too late to me...
    but was funny!
