Definitely, this Christmas was unique. In the first place was in the weekeend! Christmas was on the Saturday, 24th and on Sunday the 25th! And obviously, on monday we cameback to class....but anyway I had a really good time.
In my family the party is double, because my dad have his birthday on December, 24th. So, the formula is the same every year: on december, 24th we had a barbecue with all my brothers, sisters and my nephew and my niece. We spent together all the day, because my brothers and sister arrived very early in the morning. The barbecue was prepared by the own celebrated one, and one of my uncles made and sent the cake. At the night, all my brothers and sisters cameback to their homes and (for the first time in many years) my parents and me spent Christmas eve alone. We had a very simple dinner: the leftovers of the barbecue; but before, we went out by car to see all the city with its lights. It's something that we do every year, like a tradition; I really love that drive, is relaxing and remember me my childhood, when Christmas was the same that magic.
When we arrived to home, we had our express dinner and then we opened our gifts (many gifts!). The next day, we went to my gradma's house (like every year) and spent the day with all my uncles, aunts and cousins (they are like thirty). We had other barbecue and opened more gifts.
I really enjoyed Christmas, is the time when my family is all together all the day. My family have many meeting at the year, but this one is diferent, because is the only one that no-one abscence. The only problem was, that it's over too fast.
miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011
miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011
The way is language
I have heard that language was the thing that make the difference between humans and animals other time; but I have never thought about language like Mark Pagel. He shows language like a magnific and greatest tool for human cooperation; and dangerous tool at the same time! He said that with language you can control other people, and even steal the ideas of other people, and that was the reason because is a powerful and dangerous tool; in the other hand, language is the answer to resolve people needs througt cooperation. Well, as he said, language can join us , but at the same time divide us, because humanity talk thousand of differents languages!
Pagel thinks the only specie in the world that have social learning (learn the things that other do) and is the key of the "successfull" of our specie; an do the relation with language; saying that this two elements are the reason because human is where is.
I don't think thath human is the successfull specie, I think is a strange creature that couldn't be happy in his nature state; so, invented some forms to be "better", and make life "easier", but the only thing that get is make unnecesary problems.
I think that this thougths are thing that have to be considered at the hour to say what are us like specie.
Pagel thinks the only specie in the world that have social learning (learn the things that other do) and is the key of the "successfull" of our specie; an do the relation with language; saying that this two elements are the reason because human is where is.
I don't think thath human is the successfull specie, I think is a strange creature that couldn't be happy in his nature state; so, invented some forms to be "better", and make life "easier", but the only thing that get is make unnecesary problems.
I think that this thougths are thing that have to be considered at the hour to say what are us like specie.
miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011
A funny way to learn English!
I had never hear about the BBC have a web site to learn and practice English. Today I surfed that web and I had a good time. The web have many news that you can read and listen at the same time! Also, you have many videos (of news) you can watch; but the things that I really enjoy were the puzzles and the quizes.
Actually, I like puzzles and quizes in spanish; so, Why not some in english? I did two quizes and two puzzles, I have a good time and I learnt a few new words!... with a little bit of help from the same web site, that was news and blogs about the topic of the puzzle.
I liked the news and videos of the website too, they are very insteresting, because they talk about sports, science, and currently. You can read about a topic you like, learn more about it and learn english at the same time..and complete the puzzles. I think it's a good way to have more knowledge. I read one about a peruvian mummy, and other about that sciencist discovered new species and I liked both.
Definitely, my favourites are the puzzles and the quizes; I think more fun ways to learn english attrack more the attention of people, at least attrack mine...
Actually, I like puzzles and quizes in spanish; so, Why not some in english? I did two quizes and two puzzles, I have a good time and I learnt a few new words!... with a little bit of help from the same web site, that was news and blogs about the topic of the puzzle.
I liked the news and videos of the website too, they are very insteresting, because they talk about sports, science, and currently. You can read about a topic you like, learn more about it and learn english at the same time..and complete the puzzles. I think it's a good way to have more knowledge. I read one about a peruvian mummy, and other about that sciencist discovered new species and I liked both.
Definitely, my favourites are the puzzles and the quizes; I think more fun ways to learn english attrack more the attention of people, at least attrack mine...
miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011
I'm in January!?
The last time I wrote in this blog was about six months ago. Now, we have already started the second semester, and it’s crazy. In the first place, we don't have a holiday between Christmas and New Year, even, inmediately after these parties finish we have to comeback to class. And then we will stay all January in class.
But, we had six months without class. And the reason of that it's a big deal; students decided to start the struggle for good and free education. We did know that this would be the price we have to pay; we were conscious that we would be in class for the summer at the moment we voted strike.
Personally, I think is very sad have classes in summer, especially for people who don't come from Santiago. I really want to spend December and January with my family and friends in my town, but I know the reason for that won't happen.
I think the really sad thing, is I don't feel that all the months in strike make the politicians do they work and start to implement free and quality education. I find some consolation in the thought that I like the subjects, the classes, and, of course, my carrer.
miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011
The world is hearing!!!!!!
Chile is shouting and the world is hearing. The voice of students (that is my voice too) is every time more high.
Education is universal topic, and a universal problem. And the most of the time, students don't fight for them really, they fight for the next generations and for their future.
Nowadays, thousands of chileans students are fighting for the education of the country. But the really struggle is for all of the children than in the future will be students. If we don't have quality in education, at least that the next have their right.
I hope that the world understand that. But I read with shame that someone comments the article ( that Cristián Cabalin wrote) with distrust because is a chilean who writes. Well, they don't live here, they don't studied here, and their children won't study here. But, I read with happiness that many people understand the voice of thousand of people, and share our feeling.
Better that the world share the feeling of the students, is that our compatriots are sharing it. Teacher, father and grandfathers are walking in the Alameda for a better education; for an education like a right, not a product.
Why we still have the education that the dictatorship started? This country have a neoliberal politics, but the education is a right
Can we introduce a right in the neoliberal system? The minister of education, Joaquín Lavín, get money with a University (Univerdidad del Desarrollo) What confidence we can have in the government, if the minister think that the profit in education is legitimate?
We want a real education, but I think that will be very difficult get it with a government full of businessman. Difficult, but not impossible.
"The struggle will be long and difficult, but we will keep it!"
Education is universal topic, and a universal problem. And the most of the time, students don't fight for them really, they fight for the next generations and for their future.
Nowadays, thousands of chileans students are fighting for the education of the country. But the really struggle is for all of the children than in the future will be students. If we don't have quality in education, at least that the next have their right.
I hope that the world understand that. But I read with shame that someone comments the article ( that Cristián Cabalin wrote) with distrust because is a chilean who writes. Well, they don't live here, they don't studied here, and their children won't study here. But, I read with happiness that many people understand the voice of thousand of people, and share our feeling.
Better that the world share the feeling of the students, is that our compatriots are sharing it. Teacher, father and grandfathers are walking in the Alameda for a better education; for an education like a right, not a product.
Why we still have the education that the dictatorship started? This country have a neoliberal politics, but the education is a right
Can we introduce a right in the neoliberal system? The minister of education, Joaquín Lavín, get money with a University (Univerdidad del Desarrollo) What confidence we can have in the government, if the minister think that the profit in education is legitimate?
We want a real education, but I think that will be very difficult get it with a government full of businessman. Difficult, but not impossible.
"The struggle will be long and difficult, but we will keep it!"
a voice for real education
I have to do a confession. I have never though about we are educated only our head until I heard Sir Ken Robinson. It's true. Almost people follow an intellectual career, in fact, only I know one person in my school that decided to follow an artistic career: dance.
How many people who want to be an artist or a dancer, followed a intellectual career, only because our society tell us that the future and the success is in our head. "You MUST to follow a GOOD career, you have to be a doctor, a lawyer or an engineer... why?
I have to make a question to my classmates.... what said your family when you said that you want to study anthropology?? Personally, my family don't said anything, even they are happy now for me; but all my friend tell me: Why? You will be in the street next! You don't get money with that!!
Money? That means that the purpose of education it's get money? I don't think so... Well, the sad true is many people don't follow the career that they want, they follow the career that they pocket want. The problem is, that the career that privileged the head are the careers that most money give.
I think that many career that privileged the body, (not the head) like dance, are very difficult, you have to be a high control of your body; a control that most of us don't have!
The problem of education is a problem of society, a problem of the though of the society, even a problem of our culture!
Why culture? Because other society with other cultures, like oriental culture; have other though about the education of their children. They have martial arts, that forced to the person to have a strong control not only in the body, in the head too. Thats society have an education that combined the head and the body. Mental and physical control.
That is really education! Body and head. But we have a really long way to get that
How many people who want to be an artist or a dancer, followed a intellectual career, only because our society tell us that the future and the success is in our head. "You MUST to follow a GOOD career, you have to be a doctor, a lawyer or an engineer... why?
I have to make a question to my classmates.... what said your family when you said that you want to study anthropology?? Personally, my family don't said anything, even they are happy now for me; but all my friend tell me: Why? You will be in the street next! You don't get money with that!!
Money? That means that the purpose of education it's get money? I don't think so... Well, the sad true is many people don't follow the career that they want, they follow the career that they pocket want. The problem is, that the career that privileged the head are the careers that most money give.
I think that many career that privileged the body, (not the head) like dance, are very difficult, you have to be a high control of your body; a control that most of us don't have!
The problem of education is a problem of society, a problem of the though of the society, even a problem of our culture!
Why culture? Because other society with other cultures, like oriental culture; have other though about the education of their children. They have martial arts, that forced to the person to have a strong control not only in the body, in the head too. Thats society have an education that combined the head and the body. Mental and physical control.
That is really education! Body and head. But we have a really long way to get that
jueves, 16 de junio de 2011
My little girl...
Since I'm two years old I love husky siberians. The first time that I saw one was in Peyuhue in a family's trip; It was a little puppy of husky siberian called Cony. I was fascinated; so, a couple of months later, my parents gave me my first pet, and the most memorable: a little female husky siberian, Sasha.
She is in all my memories; when I learned to ride a bike, my first travel the beach, when I entered to the Kindergarden and then to the school... even when I walk with my mom to the square to have an ice-cream (and she eat one of strawberry). All our travels in the country was with her, and her favorite place was the beach. She run along all the beach, sometimes she swim in the sea, and always, ALWAYS, she make fall somebody..(in this case we pretend we don't know the dog)
When we have a barbecue, she always, ALWAYS, stole apiece of raw meat or even grill meat of the barbecue! She loves cat, when we received a little cat of two months, Zazú, she played with him and even wash him! She had two litters of puppies, the most of them wast female, and they look just like her.
She was wit us about 13 years, and then, in a few days, she went blind. The next month, she had two mamary's tumours. She had a lot of difficult for walk, and she was lost in her own house.
We couldn't see her in that state, so we sacrifice her. It was very painful see her like that, and we felt better when she stopped to suffer.
She was a very messy girl, but she gave us a lot of wonderful memories; all in my family remember my little girl; and in her last barbecue, all went to say goodbye Sasha first.
She is in all my memories; when I learned to ride a bike, my first travel the beach, when I entered to the Kindergarden and then to the school... even when I walk with my mom to the square to have an ice-cream (and she eat one of strawberry). All our travels in the country was with her, and her favorite place was the beach. She run along all the beach, sometimes she swim in the sea, and always, ALWAYS, she make fall somebody..(in this case we pretend we don't know the dog)
When we have a barbecue, she always, ALWAYS, stole apiece of raw meat or even grill meat of the barbecue! She loves cat, when we received a little cat of two months, Zazú, she played with him and even wash him! She had two litters of puppies, the most of them wast female, and they look just like her.
She was wit us about 13 years, and then, in a few days, she went blind. The next month, she had two mamary's tumours. She had a lot of difficult for walk, and she was lost in her own house.
We couldn't see her in that state, so we sacrifice her. It was very painful see her like that, and we felt better when she stopped to suffer.
She was a very messy girl, but she gave us a lot of wonderful memories; all in my family remember my little girl; and in her last barbecue, all went to say goodbye Sasha first.
martes, 7 de junio de 2011
Books! books! books!
I'm a bookworm, I really love reading. For this reason, my favorite website is a digital library.
This page is, where you can download a lot of books! A friend recommended me this page about two or three years ago, and she knows that I love it.
Any book that I want to read I found it here! Is incredible! This page has thousand of books to download.
Before enter to study in the University, I was visited it every week, about three or four times, and I created my own digital library with my favourite writers. Now, I visit this website about two or three times at the month, because I can't read anything for hobbie.
The event that makes that I love this page is related with the Trilogy called Elenium. I was only read the first book (that I bought in the Jumbo, in a lucky day), but the second and third book aren't be in anywhere! I looked for it in books shop, in San Diego, even in internet and nothing! I was tired of looking for, so I desert.
Many months later, my friend talk about, when I remembered my search of Elenium I tried with this page and... the website had the complete trilogy! Since that day, my confidence is with this digital library. Sometimes I look for others digital libraries, but no-one is like MY
So, is you are looking for a novel, or for a specific writer, first see this page.
This page is, where you can download a lot of books! A friend recommended me this page about two or three years ago, and she knows that I love it.
Any book that I want to read I found it here! Is incredible! This page has thousand of books to download.
Before enter to study in the University, I was visited it every week, about three or four times, and I created my own digital library with my favourite writers. Now, I visit this website about two or three times at the month, because I can't read anything for hobbie.
The event that makes that I love this page is related with the Trilogy called Elenium. I was only read the first book (that I bought in the Jumbo, in a lucky day), but the second and third book aren't be in anywhere! I looked for it in books shop, in San Diego, even in internet and nothing! I was tired of looking for, so I desert.
Many months later, my friend talk about, when I remembered my search of Elenium I tried with this page and... the website had the complete trilogy! Since that day, my confidence is with this digital library. Sometimes I look for others digital libraries, but no-one is like MY
So, is you are looking for a novel, or for a specific writer, first see this page.
martes, 31 de mayo de 2011
I really love reading. Before enter to the University, I was spend many hours at the weeks reading.
My familiy transmit me this passion; especially my grandma, but she is worst, because she spend the most of the day reading.
I read novels since I was seven. I don't really remember which was the first novel I read, but my favourite topics always was adventures and historical novels. I don't like so much fantasy, (I'm a extreme realistic) but are a couple of series of books that I really like: the first one is Harry Potter, that every ones kows, and the second is Elenium, of David Eddings.
Elenium is a trilogy of epic fantasy; the first book is named The Diamond Throne, the second The ruby knight, and the last one The Sapphire rose, and the history takes place at the Middle Age. The fantasy is not about dragons or witches; is about fantastastic cultures. In the book are two differents people, are the elenes and the styricts. The elenes ara very simmilar to cristians, and the styricts have a lot of gods and goddes that have and influence (even controle) the life of the elenes; so, almost all elenes don't trust in styricts The main character are Lords Pandiom, they are elenes, but their teachers are styricts; so, they have I really relationship with them.
I think I like this saga, because shows two faces of the same coin: the fight between cultures, and the cooperation between cultures. Elenes and styricts sometimes are enemies, adn other times are the best friends. The story is all fantasy, but menay thing, like the realtionship between two different cultures, are real.
martes, 24 de mayo de 2011
The memories made paper

This was the family of my mom, who knows how many time ago.
They are my grandparents and five of my uncles and aunts (they are six in total), and the two sisters of my grandfather. Is very especial the feeling that this picture make me feel. Is indescribable. I look this picture and I think that all that kids today have between fifty and sixty years, and three persons that appeare in the pictur; are dead, my grandfather and his sisters aren't here. I look my gradma too, and a I trie to imagine how she could be when she was young and she had different troubles in comparison with the problems that now she have; problems with her eyes and her bones.
When I look the faces of my uncles and my aunt, I think they are the same; but, in fact, the had changed a lot! They aren't that sweet children any more, and they never will comeback to be like that kids. Now they have families, and the new children are their grandsons and their granddaugther. I look with especial emphasis to my mom, she is in the arms of her father; I can't imagine that this sweet baby is my mom!. Always I had though in this people like adults, buy they was kids in some moments, and they had the same age that now I have too. I ask me, What they think when this photo was taken? My mom remember when this photo was taken?
I really don't know who took this picture, But I'm really grateful to him (or her), because is the only one picture when the all family appears ,except for my youngest uncle.
I will never be tired of looking this photograph.
miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011
A different work
Last tuesday we made a different activity, we made a table with information for an hypothetical tour to London for students in the end of the year. The hypothetical trip includes a visit for the British museum, the Nature history museum, etc.
I really like the change of routine. I also like make the posts, but a new activity makes the class more interesting. Moreover, the search of the information of the trip was funny and I imagine a real trip to London. I look many places that I would visited if I came to the capital of England; so, I was really interesting in the information of them. Also, the search helps us to improve our abilities to get information to tourist on the web
I think this activity do more active the class, especially because the information that we used, was real, although the trip wasn't real. I hope more different activities to the futures classes, but not so difficult of course!!
I really like the change of routine. I also like make the posts, but a new activity makes the class more interesting. Moreover, the search of the information of the trip was funny and I imagine a real trip to London. I look many places that I would visited if I came to the capital of England; so, I was really interesting in the information of them. Also, the search helps us to improve our abilities to get information to tourist on the web
I think this activity do more active the class, especially because the information that we used, was real, although the trip wasn't real. I hope more different activities to the futures classes, but not so difficult of course!!
martes, 26 de abril de 2011
Magic sounds
I'm a rare woman with rare likes. Almost the song I listen, aren´t songs really, because are instrumentals. I'm a fan Yann Tiersen. He is a french composer, he made the music of the Amelie movie. I really love it. All my favourite songs are composed by this guy. I think that my favourite one is these: "L'homme aux bas ballants" This song mix the sound of violins, accordion ans a uillean pipe, creating a beatiful moment.
If my memory is good, I think I was thirteen the first time I heard it. My brother has lent my the CD of Amelie, and I was looking for more songs of this wonderful composer when I found it. Incredible. Five years with the same favourite song! I have found more beatiful songs of this guy, but no one is better than mine. Maybe other one calles Deja loin, is the same style.
This mix of sounds make me feel really good, is like I stay in other dimesion, other world....Moreover, that rememeber me my brother and my thirteen, is a good memory. I think music is important part of life, the type of music we heard say how we are, and who we are. Some songs mark a important time of our lives, this is the reason for this song is my favourite, it's remember that I was...
P.S. In the video are two songs, the second is the mine (but I really like the first too!). The guy with the violin and then with the accordion is Yann Tiersen.
If my memory is good, I think I was thirteen the first time I heard it. My brother has lent my the CD of Amelie, and I was looking for more songs of this wonderful composer when I found it. Incredible. Five years with the same favourite song! I have found more beatiful songs of this guy, but no one is better than mine. Maybe other one calles Deja loin, is the same style.
This mix of sounds make me feel really good, is like I stay in other dimesion, other world....Moreover, that rememeber me my brother and my thirteen, is a good memory. I think music is important part of life, the type of music we heard say how we are, and who we are. Some songs mark a important time of our lives, this is the reason for this song is my favourite, it's remember that I was...
P.S. In the video are two songs, the second is the mine (but I really like the first too!). The guy with the violin and then with the accordion is Yann Tiersen.
martes, 19 de abril de 2011
A useful partner
I was 16 when my first notebook died. Simply, one day y tried to turn on and...nothing!!!!! Never turn on again. I stayed about six months without a computer, but wasn't too bad, only I had to borrowed a computer to some people to do my homework. The point is that I never thought to buy other one; so, it was a surprise when my parents give me one on my birthday. And now, I use it every day and can't work without it.
In fact, I really love my computer... I can do almost anything with it. I can't work, watch a movie, listen music, and download a lot of books!. I really like that I can work and have fun with the same object.
The problem is, that I don´t the only one that loves my computer; my mom and dad love it too. So, many times is happen that I arrive to my house and when I look for my computer to do a homework or anything, my notebook it's lost! My mom have it, or in the worst case my dad have it... in his job! Happily, they buy other one ( exactly the same of mine of course) but the still use my computer sometimes. But it's better than my dad use it in his job.
martes, 12 de abril de 2011
Thinking on the future
When I was 10, I had a class of mayas, aztecas and incas. I was fascinated with those cultures, and still I am. When I arrived to my house that day I asked what carrer studie those cultures. The answer was archaeology. So, I finished the school with the desire of estudy archaeology. But, if I want to be an archaeologist, first I have to study anthropology. I liked the idea. One day, I was reading a magazine and I found an article about Lautaro Nuñez, an old archaeologist with a great experience. After reading, my desire of study archaeology was bigger.
I think an archaeologist and an anthropologist must have a social consciencie and work for the society. The archaeologist investigate the past not only for rebuild human's history, it's also for understand the human; and anthropologist studie the actual culture and work for a better quality of life for the society. I think those characteristis are important in this carrer, and in the future will be more anthropologist and archaeologist working for the society.
Now, I'm very happy here, and my favourite subject is....archaeology! But i like almost all classes. I have a great hope for the future.
I think an archaeologist and an anthropologist must have a social consciencie and work for the society. The archaeologist investigate the past not only for rebuild human's history, it's also for understand the human; and anthropologist studie the actual culture and work for a better quality of life for the society. I think those characteristis are important in this carrer, and in the future will be more anthropologist and archaeologist working for the society.
Now, I'm very happy here, and my favourite subject is....archaeology! But i like almost all classes. I have a great hope for the future.
martes, 5 de abril de 2011
A special travel
When I was 12, my parents give me the oportunity to travel to Mexico. That was that I really want for many time ago. So, two months later, I was in a plane with my parents traveling to my favorite country (after Chile of course). This travel was very special, the places when we were was fantastic: Teotihuacán, the pyramid of Chichen Itzá an Uxmal, the difference food and the enormous Mexico City. The city is a chaos, many cars running in any direction without respecting red light, the police eating in a sandwich or a hot dog van, people running and monuments every where. When you are walking in the principal street, you see a statue in every block and many people selling and buying food, especially fruits,with a lot of chili. After we visited the maya's citys, that have an incredible magic, the buildings makes that you ask How they did it?
The country is wonderful but the thing that amkes more special this place is the people. They were very kind with us and help us in everything (and they didn't steal us!) For this reasons, I will comeback some day.
martes, 29 de marzo de 2011
Hi! I'm Fernanda Erazo, I'm from Melipilla and I'm 18. I'm studying Anhropology, in the first year, because I want to be an Archaeologist.
I really like reading novels, ( until I started this carrer), arabic dance, playing chess and I love instrumental music, especially Yann Tiersen's music, the composer of Amelie.
I hope, this year will be a good oportunity to meet people and learn more than I'm learning in a classroom...
I really like reading novels, ( until I started this carrer), arabic dance, playing chess and I love instrumental music, especially Yann Tiersen's music, the composer of Amelie.
I hope, this year will be a good oportunity to meet people and learn more than I'm learning in a classroom...
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